Mary Ann Massa was born in Old Bridge, New Jersey, which is where she trained in all stylesof dance. Mary Ann graduated from The Conservatory of Dance at Purchase College in 2019 with a BFA in dance and a concentration in Ballet. During her time at Purchase, she had the opportunity to perform works by George Balanchine, Norbert De La Cruz lll, Gregory Dawson, Michelle Thompson Ulerich, and Stuart Loungway. Additionally, she got to perform a duet at the Kuan Du Arts Festival in Taiwan in 2017 choreographed by Norbert De La Cruz lll. She attended workshops and programs at Complexions Contemporary Ballet, Ballet X, San Francisco Conservatory Forsythe Program and The Rock School. Mary Ann danced with New Jersey Ballet for 3 years and Complexions Contemporary Ballet. She is a freelance artist in New York City and is very passionate about teaching dance to the younger generation.